
Showing posts from November, 2017

Dojo Funnels

Social media marketing grows, changes, and completely reinvents itself every year. Are you on top of this year's trends? If not, talk to us today to see how we can get your business up to speed. 

Dojo Funnels

What is stopping you from having social media accounts for your business? Time? Money? Know-how?

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - LINK TO A TUTORIAL! Give your fans a step-by-step guide or tutorial for how to do something. These types of posts are GREAT for getting engagement, especially click-throughs and shares! Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

Do you see leads from your social media attempts? If so, where do you get the most engagement?

Dojo Funnels

No matter if it's a project, a presentation, or an interview - here's to hitting it out of the park this week!

Dojo Funnels

QOTD: How do you connect to your audience? Is social media how you reach out, or do you use another method?

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - Run A Poll - Polls are great not only for generating discussion, but for gaining valuable insights from your audience. Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

There are so many social media platforms these days, you can't update them all! Choose the few your target audience frequents to maximize your reach and your time.

Dojo Funnels

Want to make an impact with the social media marketing you put out? Optimize content for each platform. What works on one doesn't work on all! Need help? Talk to Dojo Funnels today.

Dojo Funnels

Good thoughts, good days, good life - we hope your weekend is a good one! 

Dojo Funnels

Not seeing the engagement you want in your social media marketing efforts? Get help from the pros today and see how we can help kick start your social media efforts.

Dojo Funnels

A sad truth of social media is most people take to it to complain. Are you taking advantage of this customer service opportunity? Social media marketing can be one of your first chances to make things right and gain a life-long customer. Talk to us today about how we can help monitor your social channels.

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - FAN APPRECIATION POSTS! I have already mentioned customer success stories and testimonials, but fan appreciation posts take that to the next level. Fans want to know they are appreciated. If you make your fan appreciation a set or scheduled occurrence that fans know to look out for, then they are more likely to engage with you in hopes of being featured! It also shows that you really do appreciate your fans since they are the ones keeping you in business! Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

Been hearing about influencer marketing and considering reaching out to a few of the big names in your community? Read this. 

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORIES OR TESTIMONIALS! Featuring customers is not only a great way to inspire engagement (let’s face it, others will hope to be featured too), but it also showcases your product or service. Additionally, these testimonials work as positive reviews to your other fans or visitors to your page. You never know when someone who was considering buying your product or service might see these testimonials and finally commit to the buy themselves. Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

Did you know that 63% of people say they're more likely to use a business if they can find them online? Get social, get leads! Talk to us today about how we can help.

Dojo Funnels

Doing your social media yourself? These 36 rules are critical for having the best chances of a successful social media marketing campaign. Already overwhelmed? Get help managing your social media and other online marketing needs.

Dojo Funnels

Ready to take wing and soar into a new week? Here's to easy flying!

Dojo Funnels

96% of 18-35 year olds are on a social media network. If you aren't doing social media marketing, you're missing out! For help with said marketing, talk to Dojo Funnels today.

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - LINKS TO OTHER PEOPLE’S CONTENT! Sharing is caring…am I right? If you see someone else in your industry, or in an industry closely related to yours, post something that you think your fans would enjoy…SHARE IT! Not only does it give you more credibility by knowing who’s who in your industry but sharing content that your fans find beneficial makes you someone they will come back to frequently in order to stay on top of what’s new! Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

How much thought do you put in to what you create and share? See why content matters. ?

Dojo Funnels

Social media marketing without metrics and analysis will rarely lead to improvement. Fortunately, Dojo Funnels helps you track what works and what doesn't so your marketing can improve.

Dojo Funnels

The week may have seemed insurmountable, but give yourself a pat on the back - you made it to Friday!

Dojo Funnels

Social media marketing doesn't have to be a big budget affair! Take a look at what you can do for your business, for a small budget.

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - CAPTION A PHOTO! Posting a picture and asking your fans to “caption this photo” is a great way to get some engagement! You don’t always have to be looking for the likes and shares. Sometimes some good ol’ fashioned comments and conversation can be the best way to grow a loyal following and get repeat engagement on your fan page. Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - !

Dojo Funnels

We all make these mistakes at one point or another. But knowing them will help you tighten up the rest of your social media marketing! ?

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - NATIONAL _______ DAY POSTS! I’m sure you have seen them in your own newsfeed, the “National Talk Like a Pirate Day” or “National Donut Day,” etc. These are easy posts (especially since there is something for almost every day of the year), but they can get a surprisingly large amount of engagement when you create a graphic to go along with it. Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

Influencer marketing isn't right for everyone, but for some it can make all the difference in their social media marketing efforts. ?

Dojo Funnels

Turns out, Tweets with one hashtag are 69% more likely to be retweeted than those with two. How do you choose which hashtag is the one included?

Dojo Funnels

What dream are you working toward this week? 

Dojo Funnels

Is your content REALLY that interesting? If you wouldn't click on it, why should your audience? Get help creating content and social media marketing materials that make a difference. Talk to us today.

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - FAN APPRECIATION POSTS! I have already mentioned customer success stories and testimonials, but fan appreciation posts take that to the next level. Fans want to know they are appreciated. If you make your fan appreciation a set or scheduled occurrence that fans know to look out for, then they are more likely to engage with you in hopes of being featured! It also shows that you really do appreciate your fans since they are the ones keeping you in business! Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - A VIDEO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS OR YOUR THOUGHTS! Video is going to be HUGE in 2017! With that said, short videos are a great way to give an inside or “first look” at something going on in your business or just expressing your own thoughts to your fans. Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - LINKS TO OTHER PEOPLE’S CONTENT! Sharing is caring…am I right? If you see someone else in your industry, or in an industry closely related to yours, post something that you think your fans would enjoy…SHARE IT! Not only does it give you more credibility by knowing who’s who in your industry but sharing content that your fans find beneficial makes you someone they will come back to frequently in order to stay on top of what’s new! Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - A VIDEO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS OR YOUR THOUGHTS! Video is going to be HUGE in 2017! With that said, short videos are a great way to give an inside or “first look” at something going on in your business or just expressing your own thoughts to your fans. Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage -! 

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - ASK WHAT PAIN POINTS THEY HAVE AND HELP SOLVE THEM!! Is there anything easier than just ASKING your fans what problems they have that you might be able to fix? Worst case scenario is you can’t help them yourself, but can point them in the direction of someone who can. BEST case scenario…your fans have just given you an idea for a new product or service to offer them! It’s the best of both worlds! You get to help your fans and they have just helped YOU! Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - ! 

Dojo Funnels

Facebook Engagement Post - FAN APPRECIATION POSTS! I have already mentioned customer success stories and testimonials, but fan appreciation posts take that to the next level. Fans want to know they are appreciated. If you make your fan appreciation a set or scheduled occurrence that fans know to look out for, then they are more likely to engage with you in hopes of being featured! It also shows that you really do appreciate your fans since they are the ones keeping you in business! Find more tips in our free guide: 25 Great Post Ideas That Never Fail To Engage - !